New York Luxury finally comes to San Francisco, in the form of The Harrison, a posh, unabashedly well-heeled sky-rise in the heart of downtown SF. This 49th Floor renovation - brought to you by Maximus Real Estate Partners, needed a digital experience that reflected and properly leveraged the design collateral and levels of fit and finish that Maximus and designer, Ken Fulk, were pouring into the building’s renovation. Brick and Mortar luxury, say good day to the levels of digital panache worthy of your offline elegance. Glorious architectural renderings, world class photographic collateral, a Lobby worthy of the Queen of England, sweeping, world-class views of the Bay Bridge, all find a perfectly balanced digital dance hall, from which to dance a King’s waltz down the digital promenade of a newly crafted, newly envisioned San Francisco skyline.
The Harrison
Maximus Real Estate
March 2016
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(415) 359-6804We love to partner with companies to design and build beautiful, lasting digital experiences and customers journeys for their brands and IP. Drop us a line and lets us know if you’ve got a project or a business partnership you’re interested in exploring.